COURSE: Scrap Petal Quilt
COURSE: Embroidered Knitting Bag
COURSE: Embroidered Home Series
COURSE: Crewel Bag
COURSE: Pin Cushion of the Month
COURSE: Kimberbell Bench Pillow workday
COURSE: Kimberbell Easter Bench Pillow
COURSE: Canvas Workspace
COURSE: Scan N' Cut
COURSE: Block of the Month Workday
COURSE: 2 At a Time Toe up Socks
COURSE: Kimberbell Digital Dealer - Mystery Quilt
COURSE: Knitting Building Blocks
COURSE: Luminaire Owners Playbook
COURSE: Under the Garden Moon Stitch Book Class
COURSE: Building with Lace: Shawl
2493 Hwy 6 & 50 Unit 9 Grand Junction, CO 81505
Ph: 970.314.2221 |
Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3, *Closed Sunday